At DX Electric, we offer a wide range of products from a wide group of manufacturers. The reason we have many loyal customers is because of the true product knowledge our team has to offer. We sell products and not just part numbers. When you call us with a difficult sourcing question, you will be glad to find our product expertise does not just stop at quoting part numbers. Our people know electrical products. And they have answers.
Our fully stocked warehouses in Houston and Dallas offer aggressive pricing and same day shipping nationwide (and globally). Here are our main product categories.

We offer products manufactured by the following companies:
Part Numbers: Although the part numbers on this site are DX Electric part numbers, because of our extensive product knowledge, we can easily cross reference from any and all manufacturers' part numbers.
Additional Products: We offer a variety of products which are not shown within the pages of this site. Please contact our sales department for assistance on parts you cannot locate in this site.
UL: We are authorized UL re-packager/re-spooler and can offer UL tags and/or labels on products upon request.
Custom Packaging: We offer custom packaging from small to bulk sizes. Packages can be marked as the customer specifies (plain bags, marked bags, UL labels, reference to customer part numbers).
Certifications: We offer a DX certificate of compliance and/or a manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance (for most manufacturers and products). Mil-spec certifications available.